Bonaire Marine Life

Where the marine park started

CURO has played a pivitol role in setting the global benchmark for sustainable diving operations for decades. From the saving of Klein Bonaire, to playing a key role in setting up the marine park, CURO and its founders were there to help guide the way. We are here for all legitimate dive operators, representing our industry and being the go-to organisation for partners like OLB, STINAPA and TCB.

Bonaire Marine Life

Meet the board

Your democratically elected representatives

Ricardo Aguilar

Ricardo Aguilar

President / Representing Black Durgon Bonaire

Roy Smits

Roy Smits

Vice President – Representing Dive Friends Bonaire

Hagen Wegerer

Hagen Wegerer

Treasurer – Representing Toucan Diving Bonaire

Sam Ooms

Secretary – Representing Flamingo Diving Bonaire

Bart Snelders Bonaire Wannadive

Bart Snelders

Board member – Representing Wannadive Bonaire

Martin Cicilia

Martin Cicilia

Board Member – Representing Buddy Dive Bonaire

Bonaire Marine Life

Member benefits

Member benefits

CURO is here for your dive center. Working with as many dive centers as we can to better ourselfes as individuals and as a sector. Thus becoming the go-to partner for our stakeholders.


We are the voice of our sector. Proudly representing and helping it navigate its opportunities and its challenges together with our stakeholders. We are an equalizer where all voices within CURO matter, regardless of the size of the organization. Thats why everyone can put forward topics and we hold a democratic vote on which positions we adopt.


We are the marine world’s biggest fans. We love our reefs and wish to share that love around the world. As a sector exclusively comprised by people that dedicate their lifes to the underwater world, we want to share the beauty. We grief over current and past environmental challenges and realise our sector plays a pivitol role in the conservation and management of the BNMP.

Our member organizations contribute to a joint media bank. This is where we share the unedited beauty we encounter daily and post it to our online platforms. We pair this with our stances on current events, history, seminars by experts and advocating for best practices for diving within BNMP.

“Our opinions might sometimes differ with our stakeholders, yet we believe our intent is always aligned. Namely the conservation of Bonaire’s reefs and to safekeep the beauty for future generations to enjoy.”


We are working together to improve the safety of diving on Bonaire. Sharing AED or Emergency Oxygen units. Our members always know where the closest emergency equipment is located thanks to our collaborations.

Safety also means education. We are a knowledge bank that will help professionals both old and new, to find the resources they need in order to improve their business.

Safety means correct local orientation dives. Our members are required to hold proper and thorough orientation sessions for our visitors, both new and recurring. These range from informative videos and buoyancy chekcs to full supervised check-out dives with skill circuits. This keeps our visitors safe, and our reefs healthy.


Giving exposure to legitimate dive centers on the island through our partnerships relations with STINAPA, OLB, TCB and BonHata

Democratic voting

All members have a voice. Wether it’s about voting in a new board or voting on individual topics. All members have the opportunity to propose subjects to discuss and vote about, crafting the official CURO stance on issues in a fair and democratic way.

Unified standards

Setting the bar for business practices. Visitors to any of our member dive centers should be assured of experiencing the reefs in the safest and environmentaly friendliest way possible. This starts with awareness. For example, CURO members pledge to conduct thorough marine park orientation sessions, ideally paired with a guided check-out dive. The only way to make sure divers are a force for good, is to teach them what that looks like.

Employment practices

Making guidelines for carreer development. Developing (local) talent is of great importance to the reef, to our economy, to our culture and our legacy. By working together on unified employment guidelines for the diving industry, we can ensure best practices and cross-collaboration.


Modernized communication methods through messaging. No more mumbo-jumbo “I haven’t received x email”. We utilize the modern comforts of encrypted messaging to share thoughts, files, polls and meeting dates. No fuzz!

Knowledge transfer

Teaching history and the craft of diving on Bonaire. Within CURO we are proud to have veterans of the diving community on Bonaire. In order not to repeat past mistakes, we pledge to share knowledge and history throughout our events. Because we don’t have to make the same mistakes twice.

Reduction in expenses

Joint bulk purchase of (teaching) materials.  In an effort to bring back costs by working together.


The voice of the dive sector, a one stop shop for Bonaire and beyond.


In the roll out of initiatives and programmes. For example, we strive to be the primary partner of stakeholders such as STINAPA in the rapid and centralized roll-out of programmes that aim to better the marine world. Such as SCTLD treatments, reef re-growing efforts and the spreading of informational materials 


Meetings, blog posts, seminars and teaching local talent. We jointly contribute to a knowledge bank for us all to benefit from.

Standing on the shoulders of giants

It is our responsibility as sector to ensure the marine world experiences a net benefit from our activities. Like those who came before us, let us lead the way.